Flutter stuck on splash screen

Fixing Flutter Stuck on Splash Screen

If your Flutter app is getting stuck on the splash screen, it could be due to a variety of reasons. Here are some possible solutions to help you resolve this issue.

1. Check Splash Screen Configuration

Ensure that the splash screen configuration in your Flutter app is set up correctly. You can do this by checking the flutter_native_splash package configuration in your pubspec.yaml file. Make sure the images for the splash screen are in the correct directories and have the correct sizes.

  image: assets/splash.png
  color: "42a5f5"

Verify that the specified image exists in the specified location and the color value is valid.

2. Upgrade Flutter and Packages

Make sure you are using the latest stable version of Flutter and all the packages in your project. Outdated versions of Flutter or packages can sometimes cause issues. Run the following command in your project directory to upgrade Flutter:

flutter upgrade

3. Clear Build Artifacts

Stuck splash screen issues can sometimes be resolved by clearing build artifacts. Run the following commands in your project directory:

flutter clean

This will clean and rebuild your project, removing any potential conflicts or issues that may have occurred during the build process.

4. Check for Errors in Debug Console

Launch your app in debug mode and check the debug console for any error messages or warnings. These error messages can provide valuable insights into the cause of the stuck splash screen issue. Address any errors or warnings that you find.

5. Disable Debug Mode

If your app works fine in debug mode but gets stuck on the splash screen in release mode or when installed from an APK file, it could be due to optimization or code obfuscation issues. Try disabling debug mode by modifying your build.gradle file:

buildTypes {
    release {
        debuggable false
        minifyEnabled true
        // ...

Rebuild and test your app in release mode to see if the stuck splash screen issue persists.

6. Test on Different Devices

If the issue occurs on a specific device or emulator, try testing your app on different devices or emulators. This can help determine if the problem is device-specific.

7. Analyze Performance and Optimize

If your app has a large number of assets or complex operations during startup, it may cause the splash screen to appear stuck. Review your app’s startup process and consider optimizing it for better performance.

8. Seek Help from the Community

If none of the above solutions work, consider asking for help on forums or communities dedicated to Flutter development. Describe your issue in detail, provide relevant code snippets, and ask for assistance from the community.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of Flutter getting stuck on the splash screen. Good luck with your Flutter development!

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