Flutter string to boolean

To convert a string to a boolean in Flutter, you can use the Dart language’s built-in method called bool.fromEnvironment(). This method allows you to convert a string into a boolean value based on its textual representation.

Here’s an example of converting a string to a boolean using bool.fromEnvironment() in Flutter:

String myString = "true";
bool myBoolean = bool.fromEnvironment(myString);
print(myBoolean);  // Output: true

In the above example, we declare a string variable called myString and assign it the value of “true”. Then, we convert the string to a boolean using bool.fromEnvironment() and assign the result to a boolean variable called myBoolean. Finally, we print the value of myBoolean which would be true.

Similarly, you can convert a string with the value “false” to a boolean using bool.fromEnvironment(). Here’s an example:

String myString = "false";
bool myBoolean = bool.fromEnvironment(myString);
print(myBoolean);  // Output: false

In this case, the value of myBoolean would be false after converting the string “false”.

It’s important to note that bool.fromEnvironment() strictly checks for the string representations of “true” and “false”. Any other string value would result in an exception being thrown, and the conversion would fail. For example, the following conversion would throw an exception:

String myString = "hello";
bool myBoolean = bool.fromEnvironment(myString);  // Throws an exception

In this case, since “hello” is not a valid string representation of a boolean value, an exception would be thrown.

That’s all you need to know about converting a string to a boolean in Flutter using bool.fromEnvironment(). Remember to use this method only when you have the valid string representations of “true” or “false” to avoid any exceptions.

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