Flutter sql server

Flutter with SQL Server

Using SQL Server with Flutter requires establishing a connection between the two and executing SQL queries to interact with the database.

Step 1: Establishing a Connection

To connect Flutter with SQL Server, you can use the “sqflite” package which provides a set of Flutter APIs for SQLite.

final database = await openDatabase(
path.join(await getDatabasesPath(), 'your_database.db'),
onCreate: (db, version) {
return db.execute(
version: 1,

This code snippet opens a connection to the database and creates a table if it does not exist already. You can modify the table schema as per your requirements.

Step 2: Executing SQL Queries

Once the connection is established, you can execute SQL queries to perform various operations on the database.

Example 1: Inserting Data

await database.insert(
{'name': 'John', 'age': 25},

The above code snippet inserts a new row with name ‘John’ and age 25 into the ‘your_table’ table.

Example 2: Updating Data

await database.update(
{'age': 30},
where: 'name = ?',
whereArgs: ['John'],

The above code snippet updates the ‘age’ column to 30 for all rows where the name is ‘John’ in the ‘your_table’ table.

Example 3: Querying Data

final List> queryResult = await database.query('your_table');
queryResult.forEach((row) {
print('Name: ${row['name']}, Age: ${row['age']}');

The above code snippet queries all the rows from the ‘your_table’ table and prints the name and age of each row.

Example 4: Deleting Data

await database.delete(
where: 'name = ?',
whereArgs: ['John'],

The above code snippet deletes all rows where the name is ‘John’ from the ‘your_table’ table.

Step 3: Closing the Connection

After performing the required operations, it is important to close the database connection to release resources.

await database.close();

This code snippet closes the connection to the database.

These are the fundamental steps to use SQL Server with Flutter. Keep in mind that you might need to include additional dependencies or modify the code according to your specific requirements. The provided examples should give you a basic understanding of how to work with SQL Server in Flutter.

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