To explain the answer in detail with examples, I’ll provide an HTML content representing the query “flutter sizedbox full height”. However, please note that the Flutter framework is not usually associated with HTML as it is a UI toolkit used for building native applications. Nonetheless, here’s an interpretation of the query in HTML:
In the HTML code above, we have a `
You can add your desired content inside the `
Here’s an example usage that includes a header, some paragraphs, and an image:
Welcome to my website!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod libero eu nisl iaculis eleifend. Fusce vulputate turpis vel placerat rhoncus.
Integer pulvinar tellus eget odio congue tristique. Curabitur scelerisque neque a metus rhoncus cursus. Sed ultricies, sapien ac egestas elementum.
In the above example, the `
` tag represents a main heading, the `
` tags contain paragraphs, and the `` tag adds an image to the content. The important part remains the parent `