Flutter singlechildscrollview expanded

Flutter SingleChildScrollView Expanded Explanation:

In Flutter, the SingleChildScrollView widget is used to create a scrollable area that contains a single child widget. It allows the child widget to scroll if its content exceeds the available space. On the other hand, the Expanded widget is used to control how a child widget expands to fill the available space within a parent widget.

To use both the SingleChildScrollView and Expanded widgets together, you need to first wrap the SingleChildScrollView widget with an Expanded widget. This ensures that the SingleChildScrollView becomes flexible and takes up all the available space in the main axis of its parent widget.

Here’s an example of how to use SingleChildScrollView and Expanded together:

            import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
            void main() {
            class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
               Widget build(BuildContext context) {
                  return MaterialApp(
                     home: Scaffold(
                        appBar: AppBar(
                           title: Text('Scrollable Content'),
                        body: Column(
                           children: [
                                 child: SingleChildScrollView(
                                    child: Column(
                                       children: [
                                          // Your long content here...
                                          Text('Text 1'),
                                          Text('Text 2'),
                                          Text('Text 3'),
                                          // ...more content
                                          Text('Text N'),

In this example, the SingleChildScrollView widget is wrapped with Expanded, making it expand to fill the available space within the Column widget. This allows the content inside SingleChildScrollView to be scrollable if it exceeds the available space on the screen.

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