Flutter run taking too long

Flutter Run Taking Too Long: Reasons and Solutions

When running a Flutter application, you might encounter instances where the execution time of the flutter run command seems unusually long. Here are some potential reasons for this, along with their solutions:

1. Hot Reload Delay

In debug mode, Flutter’s hot reload feature allows you to see the changes in your code almost instantly. However, this quick reload can cause a delay in the overall execution time. If you have a large project with many widgets, each reload may take longer.

Solution: If you don’t need to see the changes immediately, you can disable hot reload by adding the --no-hot flag to the flutter run command. This can improve the execution time but will require manual restarts each time you want to see the changes.

2. Cold Start Time

When launching an application for the first time, Flutter performs a cold start, which includes initializing the Dart VM and the Flutter engine. This process can take additional time, especially if your application contains many dependencies.

Solution: To reduce the cold start time, you can enable AOT (Ahead of Time) compilation for your Flutter app. This compiles the source code into native machine code before running, eliminating the need for Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation during startup. To enable AOT compilation, use the --release flag along with the flutter run command.

3. Slow Device or Emulator

The speed of your device or emulator can also impact the execution time of flutter run. Older devices or underpowered emulators may not be able to provide optimal performance.

Solution: If possible, try running the application on a physical device rather than an emulator. Physical devices generally offer better performance. If using an emulator, make sure it is configured with sufficient resources to handle the load.

4. Large Assets or Dependencies

If your project contains large assets or many dependencies, their handling during the build process can significantly increase the execution time.

Solution: Examine your project’s assets and dependencies to check if there are any unnecessary files or libraries. Remove any unused assets or dependencies to reduce the overhead during the build process. You can also consider compressing large assets or using lazy loading techniques.

5. Code Optimizations

Your code itself may be causing the delays if it contains inefficient or time-consuming operations.

Solution: Profile your code to identify any bottlenecks or areas for optimization. Use appropriate data structures and algorithms, minimize unnecessary computations, and avoid blocking operations on the main thread.


Let’s say you have a Flutter project with a large number of widgets, and hot reload delays are causing slower execution during development. You can modify your flutter run command as follows to disable hot reload:

        flutter run --no-hot

This will remove the hot reload feature and improve the execution time, at the cost of manual restarts to see code changes.

Keep in mind that the specific reasons for slow execution may vary depending on your project and development environment, so it’s essential to analyze your setup accordingly.

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