Flutter row crossaxisalignment not working

Explanation for the query – flutter row crossaxisalignment not working:

The Row widget in Flutter is used to arrange its children horizontally in a row. The crossAxisAlignment property of the Row widget controls how its children are aligned vertically within the row.

Here are a few possible scenarios where the crossAxisAlignment might not work as expected:

1. Insufficient space for children:

If the available width for the Row is not enough to accommodate all its children, the crossAxisAlignment may not have any visible effect. In such cases, consider using a Flexible or Expanded widget as a parent of the children, which allows them to expand and occupy the available space.

  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
  children: [
    child: Text("Child 1"),
    child: Text("Child 2"),
    child: Text("Child 3"),

2. MainAxisAlignment overrides CrossAxisAlignment:

If you have also set the mainAxisAlignment property of the Row to something other than the default MainAxisAlignment.start, it may be overriding the effect of the crossAxisAlignment. Make sure you are setting the desired value for both properties based on your layout requirements.

  mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
  children: [
   Text("Child 1"),
   Text("Child 2"),
   Text("Child 3"),

3. CrossAxisAlignment not applicable for the container:

If the children of the Row widget are wrapped in a Container widget, the crossAxisAlignment property of the Row will not affect the alignment of the Container. In this case, you can directly apply alignment properties on the Container itself.

  children: [
    alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
    child: Text("Child 1"),
    alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
    child: Text("Child 2"),
    alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
    child: Text("Child 3"),

Make sure you understand the layout structure and properties properly to achieve the desired alignment within a Row in Flutter.

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