Flutter renderviewport does not support returning intrinsic dimensions.


The “flutter renderviewport does not support returning intrinsic dimensions” error occurs when you try to use the intrinsic dimensions of a widget within a RenderViewport widget in Flutter.

A RenderViewport widget is responsible for laying out and rendering its children. However, due to its nature, it does not support returning intrinsic dimensions for its children.

What are intrinsic dimensions? Intrinsic dimensions are the natural dimensions of a widget based on its content. For example, the intrinsic width of a Text widget depends on the length of the text content.


Let’s say you have a widget hierarchy where you’re using a RenderViewport:

      ├── Padding
      │   └── Text
      └── Padding
          └── Text

In this example, you are using two Text widgets inside RenderViewport. However, when you try to access the intrinsic dimensions of these Text widgets, you will encounter the mentioned error, as RenderViewport does not support returning intrinsic dimensions.


To fix this issue, you need to find an alternative way to achieve your desired behavior without relying on the intrinsic dimensions of the widget. One approach is to use explicit dimensions or define constraints to properly size and position the widget.

For instance, instead of using intrinsic dimensions to determine the size of a widget, you can use containers with fixed dimensions or wrap the widget with widgets that provide constraints, such as SizedBox or ConstrainedBox.

      ├── Padding
      │   └── SizedBox (with explicit width and height)
      │       └── Text
      └── Padding
          └── SizedBox (with explicit width and height)
              └── Text

In this revised example, we have added SizedBox widgets with explicit dimensions to define the size of the Text widgets. By providing explicit dimensions, you no longer rely on the intrinsic dimensions and avoid the error.

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