Flutter navigator pop 2 times

Flutter Navigator Pop 2 Times

When using the Flutter framework, the Navigator class is responsible for managing the routes and transitions within your application. You can use the Navigator to push new routes onto the stack and pop routes off the stack to navigate between different screens or pages.

If you want to pop two routes/screens/pages at once, you can use the popUntil() method provided by the Navigator class. This method allows you to pop routes until a given condition is met.

Here’s an example to pop two routes/screens/pages from the Navigator stack:

    void _popTwoRoutes() {
      Navigator.popUntil(context, (route) => route.isFirst);

In the above example, the popUntil() method is used to pop all the routes until the first route is reached. After that, a single call to Navigator.pop() is made to pop the first route as well.

You can call the _popTwoRoutes() method whenever you want to pop two routes/screens/pages at once. For example, you can associate it with a button’s onPressed() event handler:

      onPressed: _popTwoRoutes,
      child: Text('Pop 2 Routes'),

By pressing the “Pop 2 Routes” button, it will execute the _popTwoRoutes() method and pop two routes/screens/pages from the Navigator stack in one go.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to pop two routes/screens/pages using the Navigator in Flutter. Let me know if you have any further questions!

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