Flutter listtile leading height

Flutter ListTile Leading Height

The ListTile widget in Flutter allows you to create a row-based layout commonly used in lists, grids, and other types of data displays. The leading property of the ListTile widget is used to set the widget that appears before the title in the row.

To specify the height of the leading widget in a ListTile, you can wrap the widget with a Container and set its height property. Here’s an example:

      leading: Container(
        height: 48, // Specify the desired height here
        child: Icon(Icons.person),
      title: Text('John Doe'),
      subtitle: Text('johndoe@example.com'),

In this example, we have set the height of the Container to 48 pixels. You can adjust this value based on your design requirements. The leading widget, which is an Icon in this case, will be constrained to the specified height.

Additionally, if you want to maintain the aspect ratio of the leading widget and automatically adjust its width based on the specified height, you can use the AspectRatio widget. Here’s an example:

      leading: AspectRatio(
        aspectRatio: 1/1, // Set the desired aspect ratio here
        child: Icon(Icons.person),
      title: Text('John Doe'),
      subtitle: Text('johndoe@example.com'),

In this example, we have set the aspect ratio to 1/1, which means the width will be the same as the height. This can be particularly useful when using images as the leading widget.

Remember to import the necessary dependencies for the ListTile, Container, Icon, and AspectRatio widgets.

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