Flutter invalid depfile kernel snapshot.d

Flutter Invalid Depfile Kernel snapshot.d

When you encounter the “invalid depfile kernel snapshot.d” error in Flutter, it usually indicates a problem with the build system. This error occurs when the Flutter tool is unable to properly generate or locate the necessary files for building your project.

Possible Causes

There can be several reasons behind this error:

  1. Flutter SDK is not properly installed or configured.
  2. Missing or corrupted build files.
  3. An incorrect dependency configuration.


1. Update Flutter SDK

Make sure you have the latest version of the Flutter SDK installed on your system. Run the following command in your terminal:

flutter upgrade

2. Clean Build Files

Delete the old build files to prevent any conflicts. In the root directory of your Flutter project, execute the following commands:

flutter clean

3. Delete and Re-add Dependency

If the issue is related to a specific dependency, you can try deleting it from your pubspec.yaml file and re-adding it. Make sure to run the following command afterwards:

flutter pub get

4. Delete Flutter Tool Cache

Clearing the Flutter tool cache can sometimes resolve the issue. Execute the following command in your terminal:

flutter packages get --offline


Let’s consider an example where you receive the “invalid depfile kernel snapshot.d” error while building a Flutter project with the firebase_core dependency.

  1. Update the Flutter SDK:
    flutter upgrade
  2. Clean the build files:
    flutter clean
  3. Delete and re-add the firebase_core dependency in pubspec.yaml, and run:
    flutter pub get
  4. Clear the Flutter tool cache:
    flutter packages get --offline
  5. Finally, rebuild your project:
    flutter run

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