Flutter install apk programmatically

Installing APK Programmatically with Flutter

To install an APK file programmatically in a Flutter application, you can use the package_manager_plus plugin. This plugin provides a set of APIs to interact with the package manager on Android devices.

1. Add the package_manager_plus dependency

Open your pubspec.yaml file and add the following dependency under the dependencies section:

  package_manager_plus: ^2.0.0

2. Import the package_manager_plus package

In your Dart file, import the package with the following line:

import 'package:package_manager_plus/package_manager_plus.dart';

3. Install APK programmatically

To install an APK file programmatically, you can use the installPackage method provided by the PackageManager class. Here’s an example code snippet:

final String apkFilePath = '/path/to/your/apk/file';

try {
  await PackageManager.installPackage(apkFilePath);
  print('APK installed successfully');
} catch (e) {
  print('Error installing APK: $e');

Replace /path/to/your/apk/file with the actual path to your APK file. The installPackage method is an asynchronous method, so use the await keyword to wait for the installation to complete.

If the installation is successful, the message ‘APK installed successfully’ will be printed. Otherwise, the catch block will print the error message.

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