Flutter google map crash on ios

Flutter Google Map Crash on iOS

When using the Google Maps plugin in Flutter, sometimes you may encounter crashes on iOS devices. This can happen due to various reasons, such as incorrect API key configuration, missing entitlements, or conflicts with other plugins. In this answer, we will discuss some common causes and provide possible solutions.

Incorrect API Key Configuration

One possible reason for the crash is incorrect API key configuration. To use the Google Maps plugin, you need to obtain an API key from the Google Cloud Console. Make sure that you have a valid API key for iOS and that it is correctly configured in your Flutter project.

You can configure the API key in your `AppDelegate.swift` file in the iOS directory of your Flutter project. Add the following code inside the `didFinishLaunchingWithOptions` method:


Missing Entitlements

Another possible cause for the crash is missing entitlements. Entitlements are required to access certain features and services on iOS devices. In the case of Google Maps, you need to enable the “Maps SDK for iOS” entitlement.

To add the entitlement, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Flutter project in Xcode.
  2. Select the root project in the project navigation.
  3. Go to the “Signing & Capabilities” tab.
  4. Click on the “+” button.
  5. Select “Maps SDK for iOS” from the list of capabilities.
  6. Click “Add” to enable the entitlement.

Conflicts with Other Plugins

It is also possible that there are conflicts with other plugins used in your Flutter project. If you have multiple plugins that rely on Google services or use native code for iOS, there can be clashes that cause crashes.

To troubleshoot this issue, try temporarily removing other plugins and test if the Google Maps plugin works without any crashes. If it does, then gradually add back the other plugins to identify the conflicting one. You may need to check the plugin’s documentation or GitHub issues for any reported conflicts or compatibility problems.

Additionally, make sure that you are using the latest versions of the Google Maps plugin and other related plugins in your project. Updates may include bug fixes and compatibility improvements.


When experiencing crashes with the Google Maps plugin in Flutter on iOS devices, check your API key configuration, ensure the required entitlements are enabled, and resolve any conflicts with other plugins. By following these steps and keeping your dependencies up to date, you can mitigate potential crashes and ensure a smooth experience with Google Maps in your Flutter app.

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