Flutter firestore check if document exists

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Flutter Firestore – Check if Document Exists

To check if a document exists in Firestore using Flutter, you can make use of the `get()` method on a DocumentReference and check the existence of the snapshot by calling its `exists` property.

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to check if a document with a given ID exists in Firestore:

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';

Future<bool> checkIfDocumentExists(String documentId) async {
  DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance
  return documentSnapshot.exists;

In the above example, the function `checkIfDocumentExists()` takes a `documentId` as a parameter and fetches the document using the `get()` method. It then checks the `exists` property of the `DocumentSnapshot` to determine if the document exists or not.

You can call this function and handle the result accordingly. For example:

String documentId = 'your_document_id';
bool isDocumentExists = await checkIfDocumentExists(documentId);
if (isDocumentExists) {
  print('Document exists');
} else {
  print('Document does not exist');

In the above code snippet, we first define a `documentId` and then call the `checkIfDocumentExists()` function with that ID. We then handle the result accordingly by checking the value of `isDocumentExists`.


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