Flutter expansiontile remove border

Here is an example of how you can format the answer as an HTML content inside a div:


To remove the border from a Flutter ExpansionTile widget, you can customize its style using Flutter’s ThemeData and ListTileTheme widgets. The ExpansionTile widget itself doesn’t provide a property to remove the border directly, but you can achieve it by overriding the default theme settings.

First, you need to define a custom theme with the desired borderless style:

<!-- Define custom theme -->
  <!-- Customize styles as desired -->
  .custom-theme {
    color: #000;
    /* Add any other custom styles */
  /* Remove border from ExpansionTile */
  .custom-theme .expansion-tile {
    border: none;

Then, you can apply this custom theme to your ExpansionTile widget using the ListTileTheme widget:

<!-- Apply custom theme -->
<div class="custom-theme">
  <!-- The ExpansionTile with border removed -->
  <dl-list-tile class="expansion-tile">

In the above example, we define a custom theme with the class name “custom-theme”. We set the desired styles for the custom theme, including removing the border from the ExpansionTile widget using the class name “expansion-tile”. Finally, we apply the custom theme to the specific ExpansionTile by wrapping it inside a div element with the class “custom-theme”.

Note that this is just an example, and you can adjust the styles and class names according to your needs. You can also use CSS to target the class name of the ExpansionTile and customize its appearance even further.


In the above HTML content, I have explained in detail how you can remove the border from a Flutter ExpansionTile widget. I have provided an example of how you can define a custom theme and apply it to the ExpansionTile to remove the border. The example includes CSS styles and class names to illustrate the customization process.

Please keep in mind that this HTML content is for demonstration purposes only and may need adjustments based on your specific Flutter project setup.

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