Flutter execution failed for task ‘:app:checkdebugaarmetadata’.

Here is the HTML content in a div format for the answer to the query “flutter execution failed for task ‘:app:checkdebugaarmetadata'”:


Flutter Execution Failed for Task ‘:app:checkdebugaarmetadata’

When encountering the error message “flutter execution failed for task ‘:app:checkdebugaarmetadata'”, it can indicate an issue with the build process of your Flutter project. This error usually occurs due to conflicts with existing metadata files or problems with the project configuration.

Possible Solutions:

  1. Clearing Build Cache: Clearing Flutter’s build cache can help resolve issues related to outdated or conflicted metadata files. To clear the cache, execute the following command in your terminal or command prompt:
            flutter clean
  2. Updating Flutter SDK: Make sure you are using the latest version of the Flutter SDK. Execute the following command to update your Flutter SDK:
            flutter upgrade
  3. Checking Gradle Version: Ensure that the Gradle version specified in your Flutter project matches the one installed on your machine. Check the ‘build.gradle’ file in your ‘android’ folder for the Gradle version used. You can also try updating Gradle by modifying the ‘gradle-wrapper.properties’ file located in the ‘android/gradle’ folder.
  4. Rebuilding Project: If the previous steps did not resolve the issue, try rebuilding your project from scratch. This includes deleting the ‘build’ folder located in your project’s root and rebuilding the necessary files using the following commands:
            flutter pub get
            flutter packages upgrade
            flutter build apk (or 'flutter run' for running on a device/emulator)

It’s essential to ensure that all dependencies, configurations, and metadata files are consistent to avoid conflicts and errors during the Flutter build process.

Remember to consult the official Flutter documentation, or relevant forums and communities for further assistance regarding specific issues you may encounter.

Hope this helps!


In the HTML content above, I explained the possible solutions for resolving the error “flutter execution failed for task ‘:app:checkdebugaarmetadata'”. Each solution is listed as a numbered item within an ordered list.

The solutions include clearing the build cache, updating the Flutter SDK, checking the Gradle version, and rebuilding the project from scratch. For each solution, I provided the necessary commands or steps to follow.

I also added some additional paragraphs to provide context and guidance, advising users to consult official documentation and seek support from Flutter communities if needed.

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