Flutter card height fit content

To create a Flutter card with a height that fits its content, you can use the `Flexible` widget along with a `Column` or `ListView` to adjust the card’s height based on its content.

Here’s an example of how you can achieve this using the `Column` widget:


This is a Flutter card

This card adjusts its height based on its content.

It uses a Column or ListView widget along with the Flexible widget.


In this example, we create a `div` element to represent the card, and apply a little bit of styling such as border and padding to give it a card-like appearance.

Inside the card, we use a `div` with `display: flex; flex-direction: column;` to act as a `Column` widget in Flutter. This allows us to stack the content vertically.

Within the column, we add a `div` with `flex: 1;` style to represent the `Flexible` widget. This allows the card to adjust its height based on the content inside it. You can add as many children widgets as needed inside this `div`. In the example above, we add a heading (`

`) and some paragraphs (`


You can also use a `ListView` widget instead of a `Column` if you have a longer list of items that may exceed the screen height. Here’s an example of how you can modify the code to use a `ListView`:


This is a Flutter card

This card adjusts its height based on its content.

It uses a ListView widget along with the Flexible widget.


In this modified code, we replaced the `Column` widget with a `ListView` widget. The `ListView` allows scrolling if the content exceeds the screen height, ensuring that the card always fits its content.

Remember to include the necessary Flutter and Dart code to make the card functional within your Flutter application. The HTML example provided above is intended to represent the structure and layout of the card using HTML elements.

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