Firebaseerror: expected first argument to collection() to be a collectionreference, a documentreference or firebasefirestore

Error: expected first argument to collection() to be a collection reference, a document reference, or firebase.firestore.


This error occurs when the first argument passed to the collection() method in Firebase is not a valid collection reference, document reference, or the firebase.firestore object.

The collection() method in Firebase is used to retrieve a reference to a collection in the Firestore database. It expects a valid reference as its first argument.


  • Passing a valid collection reference:
  • const db = firebase.firestore();
    const collectionRef = db.collection('users');
  • Passing a valid document reference:
  • const db = firebase.firestore();
    const docRef = db.collection('users').doc('user1');
  • Passing the firebase.firestore object:
  • const db = firebase.firestore();
    const firestore = firebase.firestore;

Make sure that the first argument passed to the collection() method is either a valid collection reference, document reference, or the firebase.firestore object to resolve this error.

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