After some work, this came down to updating the way the callback was managing the values returned from Firebase.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
todaysEvents: [],
firebase: {
test: db.ref('calendar')
methods : {
getTodaysEvents () {
const events = db.ref('calendar')
const query = events.orderByChild('day').equalTo(23)
query.on('value', snap => {
let events = snap.val()
let newEvents = []
for (let key of Object.keys(events))
newEvents.push(Object.assign({}, events[key], {key}))
this.todaysEvents = newEvents
setTimeout(() =>
this.getTodaysEvents(), 500)
Attaching a value
observer to a list of data will return the entire list of data as a single snapshot which you can then loop over to access individual children. See docs
You can also do it like this:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
todaysEvents: [],
firebase: {
test: db.ref('calendar')
methods : {
getTodaysEvents () {
const events = db.ref('calendar')
const query = events.orderByChild('day').equalTo(23);
query.on('value', snap =>{
snap.forEach(childSnap => {
var childVal = childSnap.val();
setTimeout(() =>
this.getTodaysEvents(), 500)
Here is the fiddle