[Answered ]-Finding objects within x miles of a point


This very much depends on what type of database you are using.

Because cartesian math is much faster than geospatial math, the query likely treats coordinates as if they are on a plane rather than on a sphere.

The docs explain it this way:

Most people are familiar with using latitude and longitude to
reference a location on the earth’s surface. However, latitude and
longitude are angles, not distances. In other words, while the
shortest path between two points on a flat surface is a straight line,
the shortest path between two points on a curved surface (such as the
earth) is an arc of a great circle. Thus, additional computation
is required to obtain distances in planar units (e.g., kilometers and
miles). Using a geographic coordinate system may introduce
complications for the developer later on. For example, Spatialite does
not have the capability to perform distance calculations between
geometries using geographic coordinate systems, e.g. constructing a
query to find all points within 5 miles of a county boundary stored as

Portions of the earth’s surface may projected onto a two-dimensional,
or Cartesian, plane. Projected coordinate systems are especially
convenient for region-specific applications, e.g., if you know that
your database will only cover geometries in North Kansas, then you may
consider using projection system specific to that region. Moreover,
projected coordinate systems are defined in Cartesian units (such as
meters or feet), easing distance calculations.

Furthermore, this may be influenced by your database choice. If you are using Postgres/PostGIS, it has the following note in the docs:

In PostGIS, ST_Distance_Sphere does not limit the geometry types
geographic distance queries are performed with. However, these
queries may take a long time, as great-circle distances must be
calculated on the fly for every row in the query. This is because the
spatial index on traditional geometry fields cannot be used.

For much better performance on WGS84 distance queries, consider using
geography columns in your database instead because they are able to
use their spatial index in distance queries. You can tell GeoDjango to
use a geography column by setting geography=True in your field

You can check this yourself by printing out the raw SQL:

qs = Event.objects.filter(location__distance_lte=(request.user.location, D(mi=10))
print qs.query

Depending on your database type, and the amount of data you plan to store, you have a couple options:

  • Filter the points a second time in python
  • Try setting geography=True
  • Set an explicit SRID
  • Take a point, buffer it out into a circle with the given radius and then find points within that circle using contains
  • Use a different database type

If you share the raw query it’ll be easier to figure out what is happening.

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