[Answer]-Filter by field within order_by


Try this:

EntryRank.objects.all().exclude(user__user__id = user_id).order_by('-rank', 'user__id')

In this case you filter some users with exclude clause and order the result by EntryRank.rank
You can increase the complexity of exclude clause like:

user__user__user__username__in = [auth_user.id1, auth_user.id2,.. ]

Once you iterate the results you can get Entry and SomeUsers references from your EntryRank object

for entry_rank in EntryRank.objects.all().exclude(user__user__id = user_id).order_by('-rank', 'user__id'):
    entry_rank.value    #rank
    entry_rank.user     #SomeUser
    entry_rank.entry    #Entry

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