[Fixed]-Filter an object with choice filed values in django


As far as I can understand, if choices are:

        (1, 'Male'), 
        (2, 'Female'), 
        (3, 'Other'), 

Then you can use:

def your_view(request, gender):

    if gender == "male" or gender = "Male" :
        accounts = Account.objects.filter(gender=1)
    elif gender == "female" or gender = "Female":
        accounts = Account.objects.filter(gender=2)
    else :
        accounts = Account.objects.filter(gender=3)

As you mentioned in the comments,
If you have 20 choices:

def your_view(request, gender):

    id_list = [0,1,2,3 ....... 19]
    choice_list = ["choice 0","choice 1","choice 2","choice 3",....."choice 19"]

    for i in range(20):

        if gender == choice_list[i]:
            accounts = Account.objects.filter(gender=i)


I’m going to assume that your model is called Account and that you have a gender field in it.

Since you are using numbers for your choices, you would do this:

male_accounts = Account.objects.filter(gender=1)

and you can get the rest using the same method.


Since in your comment, you want to access them using

male_accounts = Account.objects.filter(gender='male')

you should change your GENDER_CHOICES to:

    ('male', 'Male'),
    ('female', 'Female'),
    ('other', 'Other'),

quoting Django’s official docs:

The first element in each tuple is the actual value to be set on the model, and the second element is the human-readable name.


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