First, you have to change the line, unless your username is a primary key:
my_account = Account.objects.get(username=request.user)
my_account = Account.objects.get(pk=request.user.id)
In this line you try put string (username) to manytomany field:
if obj.username in my_account.following.all():
Change it to:
if obj in my_account.following.all():
This isn’t good practice:
Does it happen when you run server or migrate or migration ?
if it is happened at that time.
First real possible solution is that you should delete SQL then reload sql file (For example I use –> db.sqlite3 for saving information into database) then when you enter file that contains in INSTALLED_APPS, you must see migration folder then you need to enter inside of it afterwards as you can see the file which is named init , delete all files there except init (don’t delete it because of package file)
Second solution quite complex way is that you can work with database and change one by one through using your intelligence in database.
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