Fatal error: filesystem: no such file or directory

When you encounter the error message “fatal error: filesystem: no such file or directory,” it typically means that the program you are running is unable to find a specific file or directory it is expecting to access. This error commonly occurs when working with file input/output operations or when trying to access a file path that does not exist.

Here are a few possible reasons for this error and some example scenarios:

  • 1. Incorrect File Path: Double-check the file path you are using in your code. Make sure it is correct and points to a valid file or directory.


    If you have a file named “data.txt” located in the same directory as your program, make sure you reference it correctly like this: “data.txt” or “./data.txt”.
  • 2. File or Directory Doesn’t Exist: If the file or directory you are trying to access does not exist, you will encounter this error. Ensure that the file or directory is present at the specified location.


    If you are trying to read a file with a specific path, such as “/path/to/file.txt,” ensure that the file actually exists at that location.
  • 3. Insufficient Permissions: If the file or directory you are trying to access has restricted permissions, your program may not have the necessary access rights to read or write to it. Check the permissions of the file or directory and adjust accordingly.


    If you are working with a file in a Linux environment, you may need to change the file permissions using the “chmod” command to grant read or write access.

It is important to carefully review your code and the specified file paths to identify and resolve the issue causing the “fatal error: filesystem: no such file or directory” error. Verifying file existence, correcting file path references, and ensuring proper permissions are common steps to take while troubleshooting this error.

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