Failed to unlock state: failed to retrieve lock info: unexpected end of json input

Query: “failed to unlock state: failed to retrieve lock info: unexpected end of json input”


This error message typically occurs when there is an issue with retrieving lock information due to an unexpected end of the JSON input. It indicates that the state unlocking process has failed.


Let’s consider a scenario where you have a distributed system with multiple processes accessing a shared resource. Each process acquires a lock before modifying the resource to ensure exclusive access.

In this example, Process A is trying to unlock a state but encounters an error due to an unexpected end of the JSON input.

      Process A:
      - Lock resource
      - Perform operations on the resource
      - Unlock state (failed to retrieve lock info: unexpected end of json input error occurs)
      - Handle the error
      Process B:
      - Lock resource
      - Perform operations on the resource
      - Unlock state (successful)
      Process N:
      - Lock resource
      - Perform operations on the resource
      - Unlock state (successful)

It is important to investigate the cause of the unexpected end of JSON input error, which could be due to various factors such as network issues, malformed JSON data, or problems with the lock management system.

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