Failed to unlock state: failed to retrieve lock info: unexpected end of json input

An error message “failed to unlock state: failed to retrieve lock info: unexpected end of json input” usually indicates an issue with unlocking a state or retrieving lock information. This error occurs when the JSON input is incomplete or malformed, causing the system to be unable to retrieve the required lock information.

To better understand this error, let’s consider an example. Suppose you are using a distributed version control system like Git, and you try to unlock a locked file. In this scenario, if there is an issue with the JSON input that describes the lock information, the system may throw the error “failed to unlock state: failed to retrieve lock info: unexpected end of json input.”

Here is an HTML example of how the error can be displayed in a div:

Error: failed to unlock state

Reason: failed to retrieve lock info

Details: unexpected end of json input

To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the JSON input for retrieving lock information is valid and complete. Check if there are any missing or mismatched brackets, commas, or quotation marks in the JSON file. Fixing these syntax errors should solve the problem.

Additionally, make sure that the JSON input is properly formatted according to the API or tool you are using. Refer to the documentation or consult with the relevant support channels to ensure you are using the correct JSON structure.

Overall, the “failed to unlock state: failed to retrieve lock info: unexpected end of json input” error occurs due to issues with the JSON input for lock information. By verifying and fixing any syntax errors and ensuring proper JSON formatting, you should be able to resolve this error.

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