Failed to retrieve platformtransactionmanager for @transactional test

Failed to Retrieve PlatformTransactionManager for @Transactional Test

When encountering the error message “Failed to retrieve PlatformTransactionManager for @Transactional test”, it usually indicates that the Spring framework is unable to find a suitable TransactionManager bean to manage the transactions in the context of the test.

Possible Causes:

  • Missing or misconfigured TransactionManager bean.
  • Incorrect test configuration.


In order to resolve the error, you can try the following steps:

  1. Ensure that you have a valid TransactionManager bean defined in your application context configuration.
  2. Double-check that the TransactionManager bean is properly configured with the required properties, such as connection details and transaction settings.
  3. Make sure that the TransactionManager bean is being scanned and included in the test’s application context.
  4. If you are using XML configuration, verify that the necessary XML files are correctly imported.
  5. Inspect the stack trace to identify any related issues or exceptions that might provide further clues about the problem.
  6. If you have multiple TransactionManager beans defined, ensure that the correct one is being used in the test context.


Suppose you have an application using Spring Boot and your main configuration class includes the following bean definition for a TransactionManager using JPA:

      public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager(EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) {
          JpaTransactionManager transactionManager = new JpaTransactionManager();
          return transactionManager;

If you have a test class that requires transactions, ensure that the test configuration includes the necessary components:

      public class MyTest {
          private EntityManager entityManager;
          // Test methods...

Make sure that the test class is annotated with @SpringBootTest to load the application context, and @Transactional to enable transactional behavior for the test methods. Also, remember to inject the EntityManager or any other required dependencies.

If the problem persists, consider seeking assistance in relevant forums or consulting the Spring documentation for further guidance.

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