Failed to process import candidates for configuration class

When you encounter the error message “failed to process import candidates for configuration class” in a Java application, it typically means that the application is having trouble identifying and importing the required configuration classes.

This error often occurs in Spring-based applications where the configuration classes and their dependencies are not properly defined or located. To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that your configuration classes are correctly set up and accessible.

Here are a few steps you can take to address this problem:

  1. Check your import statements: Make sure that all the necessary classes and packages are imported correctly in your configuration files. Incorrect or missing import statements can lead to this error.
  2. Verify the configuration class path: Ensure that your configuration classes are in the correct location and can be found by the application. They should be included in the classpath and accessible to the application.
  3. Check for circular dependencies: Circular dependencies between configuration classes can cause this error. Make sure that your dependencies are properly defined and that there are no circular references.
  4. Verify the configuration class annotations: Ensure that your configuration classes are annotated correctly. In Spring applications, the most common annotation is “@Configuration” for defining a configuration class. Make sure this annotation (or other relevant annotations) are present and properly used.
  5. Review any error messages or stack traces: Look for any additional error messages or stack traces that may provide more specific information about the issue. These can help you pinpoint the exact cause of the problem.


Let’s say you have a Spring Boot application with a configuration class called “AppConfig” located in the package “com.example.config”. This class is annotated with “@Configuration” and defines various beans and dependencies.

If you encounter the error “failed to process import candidates for configuration class”, you can perform the following checks:

  • Ensure that the import statement for “com.example.config.AppConfig” is present in all the classes that require it.
  • Check that the “com.example.config” package is included in the classpath of your application.
  • Verify that the “@Configuration” annotation is properly placed on the “AppConfig” class.

By following these steps and reviewing any additional error messages, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue causing the “failed to process import candidates for configuration class” error.

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