I found solution here How to set content type of JavaScript files in Django
import mimetypes
mimetypes.add_type("application/javascript", ".js", True)
Expanding on drewslee answer
The solution to the problem is indicated in the documentation
- For Windows, you need to edit the registry. Set
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.js\Content Type
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I have faced the problem and it was fixed after edit the Windows registry. I just Set HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.js\Content Type from text/plain to text/javascript.
Now the problem is solved!
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I faced the same error. It was resolved once I updated the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.js\Content Type
from text/plain
to text/javascript
in my Windows using RegistryEditor
After that I had to refresh my browser cache to be able to see the toolbar
Clear your browsers Cache
If you configured the settings.py and the urls.py as the documentation page implies… Just go to your browser clear the data section right under the privacy policy and clear your browser’s cache.
That works for me 🙂
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