Failed to find assets path for “frameworks/app.framework/flutter_assets”

The error message “failed to find assets path for ‘frameworks/app.framework/flutter_assets'” typically occurs in Flutter when the asset paths are not set correctly or when the assets are not properly included in the project. Here are some steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Check the asset paths in your pubspec.yaml file. Ensure that the indentations are correct and the paths are relative to the pubspec.yaml file. For example:
        - assets/images/image1.png
        - assets/fonts/font1.ttf
  2. Verify that the assets are included in the correct folders within your project. By convention, the assets folder is placed in the root directory of the project. Ensure that the asset folders and files are named correctly and the casing is accurate. For example, if you have defined “assets/images/image1.png” in your pubspec.yaml, the file should be present at the absolute path: “project_root/assets/images/image1.png”.
  3. Run the flutter clean command to clear any cached files and rebuild the project. This can help in cases where the asset paths were not properly updated.
  4. If the assets are included in a Flutter module or a separate package, make sure that the dependencies and asset configurations are correctly specified in the pubspec.yaml file of the module/package as well as the main project.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the “failed to find assets path” error in Flutter and successfully access your assets in the application.

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