[Vuejs]-Failed to fetch a worker script. VueJS application


I faced the same problem for a Vue SPA project and solved using "tabex" lib (https://github.com/nodeca/tabex)

This lib emits events based on localStorage changes for all tabs

This lib has a control of which is the "master" tab, so, you can connect to the websocket only on the master tab and send events to all tabs through the tabex.

// tabex-impl.ts

// @ts-nocheck
import * as tabex from 'tabex'
import {MasterTab} from "@/MasterTab";

window.tabex = tabex
    // origin: [ '*://*.yourdomain.com', '*://yourdomain.com' ]
    origin: [ '*' ]

var live = window.tabex.client();

window.tabexLive = live

window.tabexLive.on('channel.name', function handler(message) {
    // Do something
    alert('do something!')

// Connect to messaging server when become master and
// kill connection if master changed
live.on('!sys.master', function (data) {

    if (data.node_id === data.master_id) {
        console.warn("I'm the master!")
        new MasterTab();

The MasterTab control messages from websocket and throws through tabex

import store from "@/store";
import {AuthUserEntity} from "@/domain/entities/auth-user.entity";

export class MasterTab {
    private authEntity: AuthUserEntity;
    private socketConnection: WebSocket;

    constructor() {
        // only logged user can connect
            this.authEntity = store.state.authEntity;
            if (!this.socketConnection) {

    private socketConnect() {
        // const socket = new ClientSocket()
        const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:9001')

        ws.onopen = () => {
            this.socketConnection = ws;

    private setupSocket() {
        this.socketConnection.onmessage = (message) => {
            console.warn('received message from socket!!!')
            window.tabexLive.emit('channel.name', 'message!', true);

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