Failed to execute ‘createobjecturl’ on ‘url’: overload resolution failed.


The error message “failed to execute ‘createobjecturl’ on ‘url’: overload resolution failed” typically occurs when there is an issue with the usage of the createObjectURL() function in JavaScript.


The createObjectURL() method is used to generate a URL for a given object or file. It creates a temporary URL that can be used as the source for elements like images, audio/video players, and download links.

Possible Causes:

There are a few potential reasons why this error occurs:

  • Compatibility: The createObjectURL() method may not be supported in certain browsers or older versions.
  • Incorrect Usage: The function may be called with incorrect parameters or in an invalid context.
  • Scope: The object or file passed to createObjectURL() might not exist or be accessible in the current scope.


To fix the error, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check Browser Compatibility: Ensure that the createObjectURL() method is supported in the targeted browsers. You can refer to browser compatibility tables or use feature detection techniques to handle unsupported cases.
  2. Verify Parameter Usage: Double-check that you are providing the correct object or file as the parameter to createObjectURL(). Make sure the object or file exists and is accessible from the current scope.
  3. Review Context: Ensure that you are calling the method in the appropriate context. For example, if using it in a click event handler for a file input element, make sure the event is properly set up and that the input element exists.


Here’s a simple example of using createObjectURL() to display an image:

<img id="myImage" src="" alt="Example Image">

// JavaScript
const fileInput = document.getElementById('myFileInput');
const imageElement = document.getElementById('myImage');

fileInput.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
  const file =[0];
  const objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
  imageElement.src = objectURL;

In the above example, an image element with an empty source is initially loaded. When a file is selected using a file input element (with id “myFileInput”), the change event is triggered. The selected file is accessed through[0] and then passed to createObjectURL() to create a temporary URL. Finally, the source of the image element is set to the generated URL, effectively displaying the selected image.

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