Failed to execute commandlinerunner

Failed to Execute Commandlinerunner

When encountering the error message “Failed to execute Commandlinerunner“, it usually indicates an issue with the execution of the command line runner class in a Spring Boot application.

The CommandLineRunner interface in Spring Boot allows you to run specific code once the application context has been initialized. It is often used to perform any necessary startup tasks or to run certain scripts or commands.

Here are a few possible reasons for encountering this error:

  1. Missing or wrongly implemented CommandLineRunner: Check that you have implemented the CommandLineRunner interface correctly. Ensure that your class implements the interface and overrides the run method.
  2. Dependency injection issues: If you are using dependency injection in your command line runner class, make sure that all required dependencies are properly injected. Check if the necessary beans are correctly defined and accessible by the runner class.
  3. Incorrect configuration: Verify that the command line runner class is correctly configured in your Spring Boot application. Ensure that the class is registered as a bean or annotated with @Component or @Configuration annotations.
  4. Missing dependencies or incorrect classpath: Make sure that all necessary dependencies are included in your project’s dependencies. Check if any required libraries or configurations are missing.

To resolve this error, you can follow these steps:

  1. Double-check the implementation of your command line runner class to ensure it implements the CommandLineRunner interface correctly.
  2. Verify that all necessary dependencies are properly injected and accessible.
  3. Make sure the command line runner class is correctly configured as a bean, component, or configuration class.
  4. Check for any missing dependencies or incorrect classpath configurations and ensure they are correctly included.

Here’s an example of a basic command line runner class:

import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class MyCommandLineRunner implements CommandLineRunner {

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("Hello from CommandLineRunner!");

In the example above, the MyCommandLineRunner class implements the CommandLineRunner interface and is annotated with @Component. The run method will be executed upon application startup.

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