Failed to convert value(s) to axis units:

When you encounter the error “failed to convert value(s) to axis units”, it usually means that there is an issue with the values you are trying to use for the axis of a graph or chart. This error typically occurs when the values provided are not in a format that can be interpreted as valid axis units.

To better understand this, let’s consider an example. Suppose you are trying to create a bar chart to show the population growth of different countries over the years. You have data like:

Country Year Population
Country A 2010 1000000
Country A 2015 1200000
Country A 2020 1500000
Country B 2010 2000000
Country B 2015 2100000
Country B 2020 2200000

If you mistakenly try to use the “Country” column as the x-axis values instead of the “Year” column, you may encounter the “failed to convert value(s) to axis units” error. This is because the “Country” values are not suitable for axis units, as they are categorical data rather than numerical data.

To fix the error, make sure you are using the correct numerical values for the axis. In this case, you should use the “Year” column as the x-axis values and the “Population” column as the y-axis values.

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