Failed to bind properties under ‘spring.datasource.password’

When you encounter the error message “failed to bind properties under ‘spring.datasource.password'” in a Spring application, it means that the application failed to read and bind the value for the “spring.datasource.password” property from the configuration files correctly.

The “spring.datasource.password” property is typically used to specify the password for the database connection. It should be defined in the application’s configuration file, such as “” or “application.yml”.

To resolve this error, you should check the following:

  1. Ensure that the configuration file (e.g., “”) exists in the correct location within your application, such as the “src/main/resources” directory.
  2. Verify that the property is defined correctly in the configuration file. It should follow the format:

    Replace “your_password” with the actual password for your database connection. Make sure there are no extra spaces or formatting issues in the configuration file.

  3. If you are using a YAML configuration file (e.g., “application.yml”), make sure the indentation is correct. Indentation is crucial in YAML, so even a slight indentation error can cause issues. Here’s an example of a YAML configuration for the password property:
               password: your_password
  4. Ensure that the property placeholder syntax is used correctly if you are using externalized properties. For example, if you have an “” file and store the password in a separate “” file, you should reference the password property in the main configuration file using placeholders, like this:
  5. Double-check that you have the necessary dependencies in your project’s build configuration to support the database connection. Make sure you have the relevant JDBC driver JAR file in your classpath.

By following these steps and resolving any issues with the property configuration, you should be able to fix the “failed to bind properties under ‘spring.datasource.password'” error in your Spring application.

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