an Error
and catch
(MDN) it outside the if:
try {
// your if block ...
throw new Error('error message');
// ...
} catch (error) {
statusCode: 500,
message: error.message
of course, if you got the same error message, just hardcode it and simply throw new Error();
or anything else for that matter
- [Vuejs]-Multiple fields search form without duplicating the component for each search condition
- [Vuejs]-Is it possible to create a method that refreshes a single vueJS component?
you can modify your code like below
if(sauhp.length < 1){
//sauhp is empty and not a bot - proceed
const token = await this.$recaptcha(formType);
//Send the token to validate
let verifyReCaptcha = await axios.get('/api/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret='+secret+'&response='+token);
let reCaptchaResponse = verifyReCaptcha.data;
//Validate the action
if(reCaptchaResponse.action === formType && reCaptchaResponse.score > 1){
console.log('yes great go ahead')
return true;
statusCode: 500,
message: "We've detected a problem in the form submission. Call us, we're here to help."