Exec: “com.docker.cli”: executable file not found in $path

When you encounter the error message “exec: ‘com.docker.cli’: executable file not found in $PATH”, it means that the Docker CLI (Command Line Interface) executable file cannot be located in the system’s PATH environment variable.

The PATH is an environment variable that lists the directories where executable files are searched for when executing a command in the terminal. If a required executable file, in this case “com.docker.cli”, is not found in any of the directories specified in the PATH, you will receive this error.

To fix this issue, you have a few options:

  1. Verify Docker Installation: Make sure Docker is correctly installed on your system. You can do this by running the “docker version” command in the terminal. If Docker is not installed or not properly configured, you will need to install or reconfigure it.
  2. Check PATH Variable: Review your system’s PATH environment variable to ensure it includes the necessary directory where Docker executable files reside. To check the PATH variable, open a terminal and run “echo $PATH“. Look for the directory that contains the Docker binary files, such as “/usr/local/bin“. If the directory is missing, you need to add it to your PATH.
  3. Add PATH Entry: If the Docker binary directory is not present in the PATH, you can add it using the following command:

            export PATH="/path/to/docker/bin:$PATH"

    Replace “/path/to/docker/bin” with the actual directory path where Docker executable files are located.

  4. Restart Terminal or Re-login: After modifying the PATH variable, it’s important to either restart your terminal or log out and log back in for the changes to take effect. This ensures that the updated PATH is loaded correctly.

Once you have followed the necessary steps to configure the PATH variable correctly, the error message should no longer appear, and you should be able to use the Docker CLI without any issues.

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