In TortoiseSVN, when you try to commit your files, in the file list dialog, right click the file and look for the Ignore option. You can ignore by complete filename or extension.
If the file is already in the repository, and you want to remove it from there and ignore it, you can simply right-click the file and in the TortoiseSVN menu look for the ‘Delete and add to ignore list’ option.
You’ll be looking for the svn:ignore property, which tells subversion to not version files matching a pattern or patterns you specify.
There’s some guidance on using it with TortoiseSVN at:
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These should help:
The typical solution is to do what bgever said and ignore the settings file itself, and then commit a file with example values, something like settings.py.example
. That file should only be updated when you add or remove settings. When deploying, you’d copy that to settings.py
and edit the values.
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