Exception of type ‘microsoft.teamfoundation.git.contracts.gitcheckoutconflictexception’ was thrown.

Exception of type ‘Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Git.Contracts.GitCheckoutConflictException’ was thrown.

This exception indicates a conflict during a git checkout operation in Microsoft Team Foundation Git. Git checkout is a command used to switch branches or restore files from a specific commit.

When this exception is thrown, it means that the git checkout operation failed due to conflicts between the local changes and the target branch or commit. Git detects conflicts when the modifications made locally conflict with the changes in the target branch or commit.

Resolving conflicts in git usually involves manual intervention to merge or discard conflicting changes. To resolve this exception, you need to resolve the conflicts during the checkout operation.

Here’s an example to illustrate this scenario:

      Git checkout develop
      error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
        [list of files]
      Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.

In the above example, the checkout operation to the “develop” branch failed because there are local changes in the current branch that would be overwritten by the checkout. The error message suggests committing or stashing the changes before switching branches.

To resolve this, you can follow these steps:

  1. Commit your local changes: If the changes are intended to be part of the target branch, you can commit them to the current branch first.
  2. Stash your changes: If the changes are not intended to be part of the target branch, you can stash them using the “git stash” command. This will temporarily save your changes so that you can switch branches without conflicts. After switching branches, you can apply the stash later if needed.
  3. Discard your changes: If the changes are not needed anymore, you can discard them using the “git checkout — [file]” command to revert the specific file or “git reset –hard” command to discard all changes.

By resolving the conflicts during the checkout operation, you can successfully switch branches or restore files without encountering the ‘Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Git.Contracts.GitCheckoutConflictException’ exception.

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