[Django]-Errors 404 and 500 while access static files in Django


In your settings.py, define the STATIC_ and MEDIA_ values:

# Absolute filesystem path to the directory that will hold user-uploaded files.
# Example: "/home/media/media.lawrence.com/media/"
MEDIA_ROOT = '/path/to/mydjangosite/media/'

# URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT. Make sure to use a
# trailing slash.
# Examples: "http://media.lawrence.com/media/", "http://example.com/media/"
MEDIA_URL = 'http://www.mydjangosite.com/media/'

# Absolute path to the directory static files should be collected to.
# Don't put anything in this directory yourself; store your static files
# in apps' "static/" subdirectories and in STATICFILES_DIRS.
# Example: "/home/media/media.lawrence.com/static/"
STATIC_ROOT = '/path/to/mydjangosite/static/'

# URL prefix for static files.
# Example: "http://media.lawrence.com/static/"
STATIC_URL = 'http://www.mydjangosite.com/static/'

Also, ensure that the correct STATICFILES_FINDERS are configured:

# List of finder classes that know how to find static files in
# various locations.
#    'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.DefaultStorageFinder',

The AppDirectoriesFinder must be enabled to collect static files from the static/ sub-directory within each app. Additionally, ensure that your apps are included in the INSTALLED_APPS setting or else the AppDirectoriesFinder won’t know where to look for static files:

    # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin:
    # Uncomment the next line to enable admin documentation:
    # 'django.contrib.admindocs',
    # MY APPS

Then, to collect static from the various app folders (e.g. my_project/my_app/static) you must invoke the manage.py command collectstatic:

python manage.py collectstatic

This moves all the various apps’ static files into the folder specified by STATIC_ROOT in settings.py.

Finally, ensure that your static folder is served directly by your web server and not via the Django WSGI application. For Apache2 /etc/apache2/sites-available/my_django_site.conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>
      ServerName www.mydjangosite.com
      ServerAlias mydjangosite.com
      ServerAdmin fake@mydjangosite.com

      DocumentRoot /path/to/mydjangosite
      <Directory /path/to/mydjangosite>
             Options FollowSymLinks
             AllowOverride None
             Order allow,deny
             allow from all

      Alias /static/ /path/to/mydjangosite/static/
      <Directory /path/to/mydjangosite/static>
              Order allow,deny
              allow from all

      Alias /media/ /path/to/mydjangosite/media/
      <Directory /path/to/mydjangosite/media>
              Order allow,deny
              allow from all

      # The following installs the Django WSGI app
      WSGIDaemonProcess www.mydjangosite.com processes=2 threads=15 display-name=%{GROUP}
      WSGIProcessGroup www.mydjangosite.com
      WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/mydjangosite/wsgi.py


An explicit Alias definition and a Directory tag for the alias’d directory will override any WSGI application running in a higher-level parent directory.

Execute sudo service apache2 restart to load the new site.conf configuration.


Staticfiles in Django is one of the more confusing parts of the framework in my opinion. Django expects you to put static files into a folder that will be served locally during development, but collected to another directory, along with any other static media 3rd party app modules might be using, in production as a result of running manage.py collectstatic

Here is the directory structure that I use, and a helper function to make life a little easier in regards to static files…

# A Sample Project structure


    # this directory is served by the 'staticfiles' app during development
    # as specified by STATICFILES_DIRS for the location of the files
    # and a STATIC_URL of '/static/'

    # this directory is where all of the folders and files specified in the
    # STATICFILES_DIRS setting get collected to for deployment. The files
    # will be collected to the directory specified by the STATIC_ROOT setting.

# settings.py

import os

# a helper function to return absolute paths, using settings.py
# as a starting point. This assumes Django >= 1.4.x
def map_path(directory_name):
    return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
        '../' + directory_name).replace('\\', '/')

MEDIA_ROOT = map_path('static/uploads/')
MEDIA_URL = '/static/uploads/'

STATIC_ROOT = map_path('static')
STATIC_URL = '/static/'


# You can also use map_path for other paths, like templates


Then you should be able to reference static files in your templates as:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
    href="{{ STATIC_URL }}css/base.css" media="screen,projection" />

Another potential gotcha is that the staticfiles app only works when DEBUG = True

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