Error: you need to specify a command before moving on. use ‘–help’ to view the available commands.

<p>When encountering the error message "you need to specify a command before moving on. use '--help' to view the available commands.", it means that you have not provided a valid command to execute in the current context. To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps: </p>

  <li>Check the command you are trying to execute. Make sure it is correctly entered and follows the required syntax.</li>
  <li>Ensure that you are in the appropriate directory or environment to execute the command. Some commands may only work in specific locations or require certain dependencies to be installed.</li>
  <li>If you are unsure of the available commands or need assistance, you can use the '--help' option. This option provides a list of commands, their descriptions, and often examples of how to use them. It can be helpful in understanding the available options and which commands to use in specific scenarios.</li>

<p>Here is an example to illustrate the usage of the '--help' option:</p>

    $ git --help

<p>In the above example, we are using the '--help' option with the 'git' command. This will display the help menu for Git, showing a list of available commands and their descriptions.</p>

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