[Vuejs]-Error when passing a laravel route as a props in VueJS



You are able to pass attributes to Vue component through markup. This is called data binding. Like

authPath="{{ route('auth') }}">

The other Vue way to pass the props is with the v-bind: or :(colon), and you have to use both double-quotes and single-quotes in this case.

authPath="'{{ route('auth') }}'">

Without both quotes, you will receive Vue warnings.


Your {{ route('auth') }} is eventually gonna return something like โ€“> This is a string NOT an expression.

Simply remove the : like this authPath="{{ route('auth') }}"


as @Digvijay said you dont need that : for authPath because its not a vue variable before its passed to vue it will converted to string (also @MuktiRaniGosh way is works too).

but you have another problem and thats is the โ€ for user prop because of json syntax. use โ€˜ instead so the code will be

authPath="{{ route('auth') }}">


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