Error @wdio/runner: error: failed to create session.

<p>The error message "error @wdio/runner: error: failed to create session" typically occurs when there is a problem creating a session in the WebdriverIO runner.</p>
<p>There can be several reasons for this error, including: </p>
<li>Incorrect configuration: Double-check your WebdriverIO configuration file (wdio.conf.js) for any errors or missing configuration settings. Make sure all the required fields like browserName, baseUrl, etc., are correctly specified.</li>
<li>Invalid capabilities: If you are using Selenium WebDriver, ensure that the desired capabilities are set correctly. These capabilities define the browser, version, platform, etc., for the session. For example:<br><code>capabilities: [{<br> browserName: 'chrome',<br> platform: 'MAC',<br> version: 'latest',<br> maxInstances: 1<br>}]</code></li>
<li>Wrong Selenium WebDriver version: In some cases, the error can be caused by using an incompatible version of Selenium WebDriver. Make sure you are using the correct version that is compatible with your browser and the WebDriver protocol.</li>
<li>Network connectivity issues: The inability to create a session can also occur due to network connectivity issues between your test execution environment and the WebDriver server. Ensure that the WebDriver server is running and accessible, and there are no firewall or proxy restrictions in place.</li>
<p>Here's an example of a correct WebdriverIO configuration file (wdio.conf.js):</p>
exports.config = {<br> // Your configuration options<br> // ...<br> capabilities: [{<br> browserName: 'chrome',<br> platform: 'MAC',<br> version: 'latest',<br> maxInstances: 1<br> }],<br> // ...<br>};</code>

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