Error: typeerror: cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘transformfile’)

The error you encountered, “TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘transformFile’)”, typically occurs when you try to access a property or method on an undefined object. The specific property in question here is ‘transformFile’.

To illustrate with an example, let’s assume you have the following JavaScript code:

      const file = undefined; // Assume 'file' is undefined
      const transformedFile = file.transformFile(); // Trying to access 'transformFile' on undefined 'file'

In the above example, if the ‘file’ variable is undefined and you try to access the ‘transformFile’ property on it, the error will be thrown because undefined doesn’t have a ‘transformFile’ property.

To fix this error, you need to make sure that the object you are trying to access the property on is defined and not null. Here’s an updated example:

      const file = { transformFile: () => { /* Your transformation logic */ } }; // Define 'file' with the 'transformFile' property
      const transformedFile = file.transformFile(); // Accessing 'transformFile' on defined 'file'

In the above updated example, we define the ‘file’ object with the ‘transformFile’ property. Now, when we try to access ‘transformFile’, it won’t throw an error.

Make sure you check the object and its properties for potential ‘undefined’ values before accessing them to avoid this type of error.

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