Error: spawn /usr/pgadmin4/venv/bin/python3 enoent

Explanation: Error – spawn /usr/pgadmin4/venv/bin/python3 ENOENT

This error typically occurs when a command or process tries to spawn or execute a specific Python script, but the specified Python executable cannot be found in the specified location (/usr/pgadmin4/venv/bin/python3).

Possible Causes:

  • Incorrect file or directory path: The specified Python executable path might be incorrect.
  • Missing Python installation: The Python executable might not be installed in the specified location.
  • Permissions issue: The user or process attempting to execute the Python script might not have the necessary permissions to access the specified Python executable.

Common Solutions:

  1. Verify the Python executable path: Double-check the specified path to ensure it is correct and points to a valid Python executable. You may try locating the correct Python executable location on your system.
  2. Install Python: If Python is not installed in the specified location, you need to install it. Refer to the official Python documentation or your system’s package manager for the installation process specific to your operating system.
  3. Check permissions: Ensure that the user or process attempting to execute the Python script has the necessary permissions to access and execute the specified Python executable. You may need to adjust the file permissions or run the command/process with appropriate privileges.


Let’s consider an example where a Node.js application is trying to spawn a Python script using the child_process module:

const { spawn } = require('child_process');

const pythonProcess = spawn('/usr/pgadmin4/venv/bin/python3', ['']);

pythonProcess.on('error', (err) => {
  console.error('Error occurred while spawning python process:', err);

In this example, the spawn function attempts to execute the Python script located in the directory /usr/pgadmin4/venv/bin/. If the specified Python executable path is incorrect, missing, or if there are insufficient permissions, the spawn function will throw the ENOENT error.

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