Error response from daemon: unauthorized: the client does not have permission for manifest

An error response from the daemon with the message “unauthorized: the client does not have permission for manifest” indicates that the client making the request does not have the necessary permissions to access or modify the Docker manifest.

In Docker, the manifest is a JSON file containing information about an image, such as its layers, platform architecture, and other details. It is used for multi-platform image support and helps Docker select the appropriate image for the host architecture.

This error typically occurs when attempting to perform a Docker operation that requires manifest access but the client is not authorized to do so. There are a few possible reasons for this error:

  1. Insufficient permissions: The user or account used to interact with Docker does not have the necessary permissions to access or modify manifest files. In Docker, authorization is often handled through authentication tokens or by being a member of specific user groups.

    For example, if you are using the Docker command-line interface, ensure that you are executing commands as a user with appropriate permissions or that you have provided the necessary credentials.
  2. Image registry restrictions: The Docker registry hosting the image may have specific restrictions in place that prevent unauthorized access or modification of manifest files. These restrictions can be configured by the registry administrator.

    Make sure you are using the correct registry URL and that you have the necessary credentials or access rights to interact with it. If you are using a private registry, ensure that you have properly authenticated and authorized before attempting to access the manifest.

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Review the permissions and access rights of the user or account interacting with Docker. Ensure that the necessary permissions are granted.
  2. Verify that you are using the correct registry URL and that you have the required credentials or access rights to interact with it. If necessary, authenticate and authorize yourself with the registry.

It is advisable to consult the documentation of your specific Docker setup or contact your system administrator for further assistance in resolving this error.

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