Error response from daemon: error unmarshalling content: invalid character ‘<' looking for beginning of value

Sure! Here’s an example of how you can format the error response as HTML content using a `

` tag:


Error response from daemon:

Error unmarshalling content:

Invalid character ‘<‘ looking for beginning of value.


In this example, we use the `

` element to contain the content of the error response. The `

` elements are used to represent paragraphs, and the `` element is used to emphasize the error messages.

The error message “Invalid character ‘<' looking for beginning of value" indicates that there is a stray `<` character where it is not expected. This is a common issue when dealing with JSON or XML data where special characters like `<` need to be properly escaped. For example, if you have JSON data, you need to ensure that all special characters are correctly escaped using backslashes. Here's an example of valid JSON data: ```json { "message": "Invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value." } ``` In this case, the `<` character is replaced with its escape sequence `<` to ensure it is interpreted correctly as data and not as a part of the JSON structure. Similarly, if you are dealing with XML data, you need to use the correct encoding for special characters. For example: ```xml
Invalid character ‘<‘ looking for beginning of value.


In this XML example, the `<` character is represented by `<` to ensure it is interpreted correctly. Remember to always validate and properly escape special characters when constructing JSON or XML data to avoid issues like this error response from the daemon.

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