Just ran into this problem. I donβt know if itβs the same thing that hit your code, but for me the root cause was because I forgot to put name=
on the last argument of the url
(or path
in Django 2.0+) function call.
For instance, the following functions throw the error from the question:
url(r'^foo/(?P<bar>[A-Za-z]+)/$', views.FooBar.as_view(), 'foo')
path('foo/{slug:bar}/', views.FooBar, 'foo')
But these actually work:
url(r'^foo/(?P<bar>[A-Za-z]+)/$', views.FooBar.as_view(), name='foo')
path('foo/{slug:bar}/', views.FooBar, name='foo')
The reason why the traceback is unhelpful is because internally, Django wants to parse the given positional argument as the keyword argument kwargs
, and since a string is an iterable, an atypical code path begins to unfold. Always use name=
on your urls!
I got this error when I was messing around with string and dictionary.
dict1 = {'taras': 'vaskiv', 'iruna': 'vaskiv'}
str1 = str(dict1)
*** ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required
So what you actually got to do to get dict from string is:
dic2 = eval(str1)
{'taras': 'vaskiv', 'iruna': 'vaskiv'}
Or in matter of security we can use literal_eval
from ast import literal_eval
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Error in your question is raised when you try something like following:
>>> a_dictionary = {}
>>> a_dictionary.update([[1]])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required
Itβs hard to tell where is the cause in your code unless you show your code, full traceback.
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I faced the above mentioned problem when I forgot to pass a keyword argument name to url() function.
Code with error
url(r"^testing/$", views.testing, "testing")
Code without error
url(r"^testing/$", views.testing, name="testing")
So finally I removed the above error in this way. It might be something different in your case. So check your url patterns in urls.py.
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Here is how I encountered this error in Django and fixed it:
Code with error
urlpatterns = [path('home/', views.home, 'home'),]
urlpatterns = [path('home/', views.home, name='home'),]
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Here is the reproduced error.
>>> d = {}
>>> d.update([(1,)])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required
>>> d
>>> d.update([(1, 2)])
>>> d
{1: 2}
>>> d.update('hello_some_string')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required
If you give the sequence and any element length is 1 and required two then we will get this kind of error.
See the above code. First time I gave the sequence with tuple and itβs length 1, then we got the error and dictionary is not updated. second time I gave inside tuple with with two elements, dictionary got updated.
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Pass a keyword argument name with value as your view name e.g home
or home-view
etc. to url()
Throws ErrorΒ»
url(r'^home$', 'common.views.view1', 'home'),
url(r'^home$', 'common.views.view1', name='home'),
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I got the same issue and found that it was due to wrong parameters.
In views.py
, I used:
return render(request, 'demo.html',{'items', items})
But I found the issue: {'items', items}
. Changing to {'items': items}
resolved the issue.
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Another scenario that causes this error:
dict('{"a":1}') # gives the error
One way to achieve what you want is to use eval
eval('{"a":1}') # gives {"a":1}
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I had the same problem and it turned out that missing βnameβ in the urls.py was the cause of problem.
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In my case, my get_context_data
in one of my views was returning return render(self.request, 'es_connection_error.html', {'error':error});
in a try/catch block instead of returning context
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The error should be with the params. Please verify that the params is a dictionary object. If it is just a list/tuple of arguments use only one * (*params
) instead of two * (**params
). This will explode the list/tuple into the proper amount of arguments.
Or, if the params is coming from some other part of code as a JSON file, please do json.loads(params)
, because the JSON objects sometimes behave as string and so you need to make it as a JSON using load from string (loads).
super(HStoreDictionary, self).__init__(value, **params)
Hope this helps!
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check in your dictionary whether if you have single or double Quotation mark in your key or value!
dict1 = {'hello': 'world', 'programmer's': 'have girlfriend'}
to resolve it you can simply convert your dictionary in to string and then use replace method!
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I faced this problem when I was trying to convert json string to dict.
Input: '{\r\n "resource_id": "id",\r\n "resource_type": "resource"\r\n}'
Using dict()
to convert the string to dict
gave me this error. The correct way would be to use json
Example: json.loads(input_str)
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I encountered this issue when trying to invoke the update method with a parameter of a wrong type.
The expected dict was:
{'foo': True}
The one that was passed was:
{'foo': "True"}
make sure you check all the parameters you pass are of the expected type.
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I too had a similar type of problem . The solution is simple . just dont try to enter NULL or None value in values or u might have to use Something like thisdic.update([(key,value)])
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I hit this error calling:
I fixed this with:
import json
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You are sending one parameter incorrectly; it should be a dictionary object
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This behavior will also occurs when using get_or_create
method in the following example below one will obviously get that error:
state,_ = Status.objects.get_or_create('Pending')
To resolve this you will add the the respective key and value.
i.e like this state,_ = Status.objects.get_or_create(name='Pending')
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Please check your URL path I fixed this issue by changing the URL.
path(βreset_password_email/β, requestpasswordresetemail, "request-rest-email")
Instead of use
path(βreset_password_email/β, requestpasswordresetemail, name="request-rest-email")
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I was getting this issue so this is how I solved it ( by doing an eval and strip )
aggr = {}
with open("output.txt", "r") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
for k, v in dict(eval(line.strip())).items():
aggr.setdefault(k, 0)
aggr[k] = aggr[k] + v
The data I was reading was a text file with a dictionary objects
{'unknown': 298, 'a4a815d631c805ccd10dd2f1548baa57': 9724, '22b5a0ff959ce0b4036716cc0c2df68b': 1341, 'd186fde596dffaab46260765c7fcba61': 2052}
{'unknown': 323, '49e5357782510659cf083356f7d2a1ab': 9826, 'a4a815d631c805ccd10dd2f1548baa57': 9812, 'b615930608b8dcd217de7904d4463efb': 2409}
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from ast import literal_eval
c = "{'taras': 'vaskiv', 'iruna': 'vaskiv'}"
c= dict(literal_eval(c))
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I got this error when I was messing around with string and dictionary.
dict1 = {'taras': 'vaskiv', 'iruna': 'vaskiv'}
str1 = str(dict1)
or to be specific
query_result = req_db_session.query(app_config_model.APPCONFIG).with_entities(app_config_model.APPCONFIG.value).filter(app_config_model.APPCONFIG.name == 'test_me').first()
print(query_result, type(query_result))
# prints <class 'sqlalchemy.util._collections.result'>
# throws error
*** ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required
So what you actually worked was:
query_result = req_db_session.query(app_config_model.APPCONFIG).with_entities(app_config_model.APPCONFIG.value).filter(app_config_model.APPCONFIG.name == 'test_me').first()
print(query_result, type(query_result))
# prints <type 'unicode'>
# prints parsed dictionary
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