I just remove the whole server and installed everything again, that solved everything. Seems I got some old django ghost installation or something
Sorry and thanks!
Youβre probably using older version of Django. staticfiles app has been available from version 1.3 only.
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You most likely need to upgrade your version of django by using setuptools
sudo easy_install --upgrade django
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FYI β I just ran into this error. The default Django for the system is 1.2.1 and I am using Django 1.3 in a virtualenv. I was getting the error because I had forgotten to activate my virtualenv so it was trying to use the system Django.
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Another way this error could occur; is that you call ./manage.py
even if your in the correct virtualenv. For some reason it uses the system python as supposed to the virtualenv one.
The correct syntax is:
python manage.py <command>
I hope this saves someone some time.
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