Error invariant violation: requirenativecomponent: “rnsscreen” was not found in the uimanager.

Error Invariant Violation:

requireNativeComponent: “rnsscreen” was not found in the UIManager.

This error occurs when React Native cannot find the native component “rnsscreen” in the UIManager. The “rnsscreen” component is most likely a third-party library or a custom component.

Possible Causes:

  • The “rnsscreen” component is not installed or linked properly in your React Native project.
  • The native module for “rnsscreen” is missing or not properly registered in the native code.


To resolve this error, you can try the following steps:

  1. Make sure the “rnsscreen” component is installed:
  2. npm install rnsscreen
  3. Link the library to your project:
  4. npx react-native link rnsscreen
  5. Restart your React Native development server and recompile your code:
  6. npx react-native start
  7. If the above steps don’t work, manually link the library (if not already done) by following the library’s installation instructions.
  8. If you are using a custom native module or library that depends on “rnsscreen”, make sure its native code is properly registered in the project.

It is important to note that the specific steps may vary depending on the version of React Native and the library being used. Always refer to the official documentation or GitHub repository of the library for accurate instructions.


Suppose you are using the “react-navigation-stack” library which depends on “rnsscreen”. Here’s an example of how you can resolve the error for this specific case:

  1. Ensure the “react-navigation-stack” library is installed:
  2. npm install react-navigation-stack
  3. Link the library:
  4. npx react-native link react-navigation-stack
  5. If the error still persists, manually link the library:
  6. react-native link react-navigation-stack
  7. If the issue is not resolved, try reinstalling the library:
  8. npm uninstall react-navigation-stack
    npm install react-navigation-stack

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the “requireNativeComponent: “rnsscreen” was not found in the UIManager” error.

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